The 7th Tonberry Lalafell Walk - 2020

On the 25th of April 2020, fellow Twintanian Lalafells (and fellow tall people) participated in the 7th Tonberry Lalafell Walk in Kholusia, which starts in Stilltide and ends in the town of Tomra. The walk was organized by Momoko Rin , who also organized previous Lalafell Walks.

The Gathering point is at Stilltide. Flanking the Lalas are the Tall Twintanians gathered early to form the Gobwalker security Squad.

The crowd is building up. The glaring brightness of the Light in midday will not stop us. Thank the Twelve (and Ishgardian craft) for Parasols.

The good folk of Stilltide were unsurprisingly shocked by the sheer number of four-wheeled-flat, and sleek Thalos ruining their town paths.

Twintanian security team switched to Mikoshi mounts to add to the festivity.

Momoko-Rin and team gave us the signal to form an orderly queue as we will begin our walk shortly.

And we are off! With much pomp and grandeur. Mikoshi mounts chiming and emitting pops and sparkles along the way.

Special thanks to the Tall people for protecting us during the walk by clearing Mobs and FATEs along the way.

Arrived at our first check point at The Ladder. Group photo time!

The weather in Kholusia is as unpredictable as ever. It started raining at the start of our walk to Tomra. Parasols to the rescue!

Finally we all arrived in Tomra. With not as much as a Lali-ho we swamped the Dwarves homes.

Upon arrival in Tomra, all the Lalafells exercised our totally fair rights to enter the only building in the entire game, where the only Lalafells can enter.
That's right Tall people. You can't enter this building in Tomra. Lala-privilege.

The Tall people all but stood outside as we partied and revelled in festivity. Ocassionally we see an eyeball outside the windows, probably from an envious Tall person.

The Dwarves of Tomra watched in expressionless NPC-horror as these foreign Lalafells invade their peaceful home.

Whatever happens in Tomra, stays in Tomra. ;)
Special thanks to the Momoko Rin and team for organizing this fun event! Looking forward to more Lalafell events soon!