TwT Cribs: Merzix Estate (Dec 2020)
Armed with new housing items from patch 5.4, the theme is green!

Luckily I've been stockpiling materials from submarine explorations so I've managed to unlock the new exterior quite fast. It comes with built in deck area which fits nicely into my garden without moving too much of the previous layout.

The interior had to be fully redecorated to match the door n window frames as the Florist walls wasn't dyeable. Hopefully we'll be able to give it different colors in the future ;w;

I'm loving the new Skylight Chandelier since it blends in well with my garden theme and it gives a nice n subtle particles at low lighting intensity. Also spent my entire night trying to display my Eurekan Physeos gear in the showcases so I can get more space in my glamour dresser XD

I've redecorated the entire house for the 3rd time in the entire 1st week of December alone... Until Starlight Event and I'll get more new stuffs to decorate with, see ya!
Location: Elemental DC, Tonberry, Goblet 17, Plot 55 (M). Use Goblet South Subdivision or Goblet Southwest subdivision aetheryte.